Men into Birds
In the wake of the Trojan War, Diomedes and his crew were beset with trouble trying to get home (their woes brought about by a fight with the goddess Venus during the war). Angry about all their trouble, the sailor Acmon began running his mouth about how the goddess couldn’t do anything to them that she hadn’t already done. Wrong.
“With words like these Etolian Acmon goads
Th' already raging goddess, and revives
Her ancient hate. Few with his boldness pleas'd;
Far most my friends his daring speech condemn.
Aiming at words respondent, straight his voice
And throat are narrow'd; into plumes his hair
Is alter'd; plumes o'er his new neck are spread;
And o'er his chest, and back; his arms receive
Long pinions, bending into light-form'd wings;
Most of his feet is cleft in claws; his mouth
Hardens to horn, and in a sharp beak ends.
Lycus, Rhetenor, Nycteus, Abas, stare
With wonder, and while wondering there they stand
The same appearance take; and far the most
Of all my troop on wings up fly: and round
The ship the air resounds with clapping wings.
If what new shape those birds so sudden form'd
Distinguish'd, you would know: swans not to be,
Nought could the snowy swan resemble more.”