The Pierides
Women into Birds
A group of boastful women challenge the Muses to a poetry contest. When the mortals lose, they start griping about fixed judging. The goddesses take their abuse for awhile, but eventually enough is enough.
Loud laugh'd the scornful maids,
Our threatening words despis'd, and strove to speak,
And clapp'd with outcries menacing, their hands.
When from their fingers shooting plumes they spy;
And feathers shade their arms; her sister's face,
Each sees to harden in an horny beak;
To beat their bosoms trying with rais'd arms,
In air suspended, on those arms they move;
The new-shap'd birds the sylvan tribes increase:
Magpies, the scandal of the grove. Thus chang'd,
Their former eloquence they still maintain,
In hoarse garrulity, and empty noise.